Driving ESG Growth in Reliance


Natural Capital Human Capital Manufactured Capital Intellectual Capital Financial Capital Social and Relationship Capital

The transition to new and alternative sources of energy will generate additional direct and indirect employment.

The establishment of 5 Giga factories will help accelerate the Company’s Net Carbon Zero journey.

Circularity initiatives like PET recycling, waste-to-road, waste-to-oil, and circular polymer development will enhance the responsible use of natural capital.

Biomass and coal conversion will improve energy security and reduce environmental impact.

The investment of ` 75,000 crore with a readiness to double investment will further the Company’s goals related to energy transition, enhance renewable energy usage and operational eco-efficiency, and broaden focused research for the New Energy business.

Collaborations with several automobile manufacturers and various stakeholders are in place to promote sustainable transportation. Multiple partnerships with global leaders have been established to advance the battery, fuel cell, and electrolyser ecosystem.

Reliance’s vision of new and alternate energy will be propelled by the addition of a workforce possessing new skills.

A skilled workforce helps in developing technologically advanced assets and ensuring their optimum utilisation.

Reliance’s strong talent pool, supported by IP initiatives, contributes to the creation of intellectual property and technology expertise that enhance the Company’s R&D capabilities.

Establishing a skilled talent pool is imperative to ensuring business resilience and dovetailing corporate performance measures to individual skillsets and capabilities.

Reliance upholds positive relationships with communities, customers and suppliers by providing employees with training and development opportunities, promoting ethical behaviour, and engaging in corporate social responsibility initiatives including volunteering.

Develop new and alternate energy sources and business lines including new materials like carbon fibre, high value chemicals and green materials.

Rapid digitalisation of processes to enhance employee safety in critical operations.

Deployment of new technologies like continuous catalytic pyrolysis and true 5G services on a commercial scale.

Revenue: `9,74,864 crore
Capital expenditure: `1,41,809 crore
EBITDA: `1,53,920 crore

Reliance is accelerating Jio 5G rollout in multiple locations across India to improve digital accessibility.

R&D push to generate value from waste: waste-to-road, waste-to-oil, bio-fuel, biodegradable plastic.

1,000+ scientists and engineers to bring world class products and services to customers.

Multizone Catalytic Cracking (MCC) solution developed in-house for converting hydrocarbons to chemical building blocks. Jio has developed and launched a full stack of digital products, platforms and services.

Developed a technology under the flagship programme, Algae to Oil, that converts sunlight, CO2 and seawater into valuable products like renewable bio-crude and contribute to combating climate change.

Reliance R&D aims to develop a new 5G stack with the capability to serve millions of people across India.

Timely investments in clean energy business will diversify Reliance’s portfolio, capture emerging opportunities in renewable sector and promote sustainable development by reducing environmental impact.

Strategic investments in enhancing employee learning and development interventions will help build a future-fit workforce.

Investing in renewable manufacturing facilities can help capture emerging opportunities, promote sustainable development, and achieve operational efficiency.

A significant investment of `3,001 crore for research and development demonstrates the Company’s dedication to maintaining a competitive edge and creating a roadmap for sustainable growth and success.

Ensuring the wellbeing of communities, partners and customers generates goodwill and deepens trust and support for the Company, which is critical for seamless and disruption-free operations.

Reliance Foundation was conferred the IAA Olive Crown Award in 2022 under the 'Green NGO of the year - Silver' category for its initiatives to conserve natural resources and promote ecological sustainability across India.

Employee volunteering is a key aspect outlined under the Company’s philosophy of 'We Care'.

In FY 2022-23, Reliance Foundation reached over 8,100 underprivileged children through employee volunteering initiatives.

Reliance Retail supports a large number of MSMEs in strengthening their product development and manufacturing capabilities. Reliance Retail undertakes initiatives at store level to engage with the community to ensure better quality of life for its customers.

Reliance is actively fostering the start-up ecosystem and partnering with global and local producers and technology leaders to accelerate innovation and progress on its Net Carbon Zero journey.

In FY 2022-23, Reliance has spent `1,271 crore towards CSR activities that catalyse societal development. The Company makes significant investments to scale supplier performance.

Reliance focuses on improving design, value, service to offer equal access to quality products and services to customers of all strata.